


are born




Phygital Merch

Micro-Agency &

Xperiential Studio

Why We Exist

To Restore Meaning

At their core, sports are about human experiences. Experiences that evoke passion, community, thrill, and wonder. But in pursuit of profit, many sports institutions have lost touch with their reason for being. Fans become numbers. Athletes become marketing assets. Legends become transactions.The heart has been forgotten.

This is unacceptable.

To Reimagine Possibilities

Minimal exists to return sports to their foundation in human experience. To leverage technology responsibly, creatively, and ethically to deepen connections, unlock potential, and spread joy. We don't peddle empty disruption or gimmicks. We restore meaning.

What We Do

We Collaborate with Visionaries

Led by seasoned strategists, designers, and technologists, our team brings the diverse expertise required to reimagine sports experiences with both ruthlessness and compassion. We work exclusively with partners who share our commitment and understand greatness requires rejecting complacency.

We Transform Spectators into Participants

Our collaborations produce resonant stories, adaptive systems, and interactive environments that transform passive spectators into active participants.

Minimal provides the courage and expertise to honour sports' true promise - profound shared humanity.